速報APP / 教育 / Easy Arabic: Phrasebook

Easy Arabic: Phrasebook





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



Easy Arabic: Phrasebook(圖1)-速報App

Easy Arabic is a quick way to make reference and get access to a variety or Arabic words you might have heard in a simplified English format with audio. This makes things easier for the user who can't necessarily read Arabic but would like a way to catch on to new words and use this a phrasebook or tourist word guide.

This English word format is already used by many who speak and write in formal Arabic but would rather write in a quick and readable format through Messenger apps and social networks. The beautiful Arabic language is spoken all across the world and has many dialects which can make it difficult for a beginner to understand the different nuances.

Easy Arabic: Phrasebook(圖2)-速報App

Thanks to Easy Arabic, you'll be able to catch on to new words, understand the use of numbers in them and add a few to your own vocabulary. Easy Arabic will always be incorporating feedback, adding new words and adding dialects to increase our coverage of the beautiful Arabic language.

Arabic dialects currently present:

Easy Arabic: Phrasebook(圖3)-速報App

- Lebanese

*More to come